hello you.

I started this blog to write ‘love letters to life’ - a way to collectively share my thoughts and guidance on how to find confidence, joy, and love as we evolve.

Love, Lydia

tapping into an untethered mindset

tapping into an untethered mindset

Hello Loves,

Here we are again - the start of a fresh, new year with all the fresh, new possibilities. I hope everyone is starting off this year with a moment of gratitude while looking back on all their accomplishments from the year prior. Whether those accomplishments were big or small, they are wins in your book and deserve to be celebrated.

For me, the start of the new year comes with a new mindset for me. I take time to mentally declutter - I take time to sort through feelings that are weighing me down and blocking me from my next level of potential.

The beauty of being human, is we are continually evolving. Both mentally and spiritually, we are not the same people we were last year and most of the time, that is a beautiful thing. As we absorb new information, we are constantly changing who we are and how we see the world. Sometimes information changes us in small ways and sometimes it drastically changes our being and our belief system.

When I look back at the person I was a few years ago verses now, I can say I have changed. I don’t align to the prior version of myself because I have spent these years focused on implementing the courage to elevate.

There is a quote I love that motivates me when it comes to courage:


“Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage.”


Your courage equals your quality of life.. your courage helps you achieve the life you want. You must first have the courage to believe you can achieve what you want and then work towards it. Most of the time the first thing standing in the way of our goals is first ourself and our mindset - which is why I like to start off the new year taking time to declutter my mind, reset my focus, and untether myself from what is weighing me down.

To achieve the life you want, you must first ask yourself… what are you holding onto that is weighing you down?

Are you worried to speak up at work because you’re worried you might say the wrong thing? Are you focused on people-pleasing instead of focused on your own self? Are you allowing yourself to stay in a situationship because you’re afraid you might lose them?

Take time to ping yourself internally and feel around for what is bringing you unsettlement - what are the things in your life that are weighing your voice, your capabilities, or your happiness down?

I listened to a great audiobook recently that I highly recommend if you are struggling with how to navigate away from situations or feelings that might be blocking you from your life’s potential: 101 Essays that will Change the way You Think.

Everyday I took 30 minutes out of my afternoon to walk my neighborhood and listen to a few essays and truly some of these essays hit me deep. These essays will help awaken you from the mental fog your mind may be living in - it will help guide you towards inspiration and untether your from behaviors that are either mentally or physically connecting you to your old self.

Sometimes we feel stuck in our lives only because we are trying to hold onto the past in which we have evolved from. We can be holding onto a job that doesn’t serve us anymore, a relationship that isn’t fulfilling anymore, or simply a closet of clothes that don’t align to who we are anymore. These feelings of stuck could show up as feelings of frustration, feelings of aggression or feelings of anxiety - truly any feeling of unsettlement.

When we have these feelings of unsettlement - take a moment to slow down and check in with yourself. Ask yourself “why do I feel this way” and allow yourself to find the disconnection. Allow yourself to recognize growth & allow yourself to decide it’s time to move away from those old versions of yourself that you have rightfully outgrown. It’s important to recognize feelings inside of us that feel unsettled because often times that is our body flickering a light onto the dash saying “hey, it’s time for a tune up.”

One last quote to leave you with as you take time to check in with yourself..


“Look around you. Everything on this earth is in a continuous state of evolving, refining, improving, adapting, enhancing.. changing. You were not put on this earth to remain stagnant.”


As we start off this fresh, new year it’s a great moment to check in with yourself and see what unsettled feelings surface - are those feelings something you want to untether yourself from so you can allow yourself to elevate?

Love, Lydia

staying focused during times of uncertainty

staying focused during times of uncertainty