hello you.

I started this blog to write ‘love letters to life’ - a way to collectively share my thoughts and guidance on how to find confidence, joy, and love as we evolve.

Love, Lydia

staying focused during times of uncertainty

staying focused during times of uncertainty

Hello Loves,

We are well on our way into the new year now and we are all working hard on our new resolutions for the year. A few of my resolutions seem slightly daunting to me, such as starting on these weekly blog letters - writing my love letters to life and hoping to help spread inspiration to those who come across them.

This blog is a goal of mine for a long time and after listening to the advice of others, I have decided that no time is ever going to be the “perfect time” to release a project - so I am learning to release myself from my own ideas of perfectionism.

For many, the start of the new year can bring waves of feelings - from feelings of excitement & inspiration to feelings of anxiety & worry. These feelings can be uplifting and depressing all at the same time, change is never easy. We naturally resist change - it’s how we are hardwired.

To take on new goal can seem challenging - whether that goal is that you would like to read more, secure a promotion at work, or leave an unfulfilling relationship. Any goal you have will take focus and effort and it all starts with a commitment to yourself. A commitment to achieving the outcome & a commitment that you are focused on this goal because you believe you are worthy of this goal.

I saw a quote recently that inspired me and I believe this is a good reference on why to keep your faith & focus when it comes to goal setting:


"The windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror for a reason… because what’s in front of you is so much more important than what’s behind you.”


What’s in front of you is much more important than what’s behind you… let that sink in.

When it comes to your goals, think about what they have in store for you. If your goal is to read more, think what reading will help you achieve & think about what you will learn. If your goal is to secure a promotion, think about what that job promotion will do for your career & your self confidence. If your goal is to leave an unfulfilling relationship, think what growth that will happen when you break away from someone who isn’t loving you the way you deserve.

A book I highly recommend to help your mindset towards goal setting is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In this book it tells you to ‘begin with the end in mind’, which is a rule I apply to all my goals to make them more effective in achieving. It’s the equivalent of knowing your ‘why’ which drives all our decision making. To begin with the end in mind, you must set clear goals and work towards them creating a mental picture of your desired outcome.

Think about the person you will become when you can untether from the things in your life that are weighing you down - whether that’s mentally or physically. What will happen when you workout more - will you finally have more energy, more mental clarity, better sleep and a better mood? What will happen when you finally sign up for therapy - will you learn boundaries, learn self-love, feel worthy and finally feel heard? What will happen when you leave that relationship - will you learn to love yourself, find your happiness, find your peace?

Here’s one more quote to leave you with… one that has guided me over the past few years once I learnt that I was the only one standing in the way of my own happiness:


“Goals are dreams with deadlines”


Take time to ask yourself - what will happen when you finally bring your dreams into reality?

Love, Lydia

when authenticity meets vulnerability

when authenticity meets vulnerability

tapping into an untethered mindset

tapping into an untethered mindset